GELATERIA (2018) Feature Film directed by Arthur Patching and Chris Serritiello
Tropical Grey Pictures
GELATERIA (2018) Feature Film directed by Arthur Patching and Chris Serritiello
Tropical Grey Pictures
GELATERIA (2018) Feature Film directed by Arthur Patching and Chris Serritiello
Tropical Grey Pictures
Animation excerpt directed for Feature Film "Gelateria". Full Animation cannot be revealed yet,
as the film is still in distribution for film festivals and broadcasting. An artist is forced to journey
into an unknown world far from home in order to retrieve her stolen work.
Animation excerpt directed for Feature Film "Gelateria". Full Animation cannot be revealed yet, as the film is still in distribution for film festivals and broadcasting. An artist is forced to journey into an unknown world far from home in order to retrieve her stolen work.
AKE DIKHEA?Trailer for 7th International Festival of Romani Film
Häuser ohne RäderAnimated Short-Film for Roma and Sinti Memorial
Late Night - Ghost EchoAnimated Music Video
PatrioskaAward Winning Short-Film
PSYK - Psychedelic Society Yan KyleMotion Design
Wander | WonderVideo and VR Installation
Ago - Missing MachineAnimation
Tikiriri in the Land of the Faceless GiantsChildren's Picture Book
Seele des MeeresMotion Design
X-Ray MeAnimation
GelateriaAnimation for Feature Film
Tribute to Valentina Di RosselliComics and Illustration
Brazil Embassy - Assistance for Victims of Domestic ViolenceCorporate Animation
Bliss of the Hound LadiesIllustration
Subliminal I, IIFine Arts
Morkness - Licantropus AnthologyComics and Independent Publishing
MetamorfisComics and Illustration
Prosjektet RagnarokComics and Illustration
OutrospectionEditorial Illustration